

Hi; help people (like me)

HPI (High Intellectual Potential)

  • Now that my daughter is known to be gifted, I'm determined to not repeat past mistakes.

Trailing Spouse

  • Though I had a promising career as an Ethical Hacker, love led me on a journey to new horizons—from Montreal to Geneva, Bangkok, Hanoi, Valencia, and now Lyon.

3rd Culture Kid (TCK)

  • Although I moved more than 21 times within Quebec before age 25, people often noted my direct communication style—much like the Dutch.

Lifelong Learner

  • From homelessness to where I am today, I've always believed that investing in yourself—in your body, mind, and soul—is the most valuable investment. It compounds over time, and no one can take it away from you.

2 (re)DisCover them Self

  • remember your Rhythm
  • your Perfect moVes
  • your SpotligHt

If you've got the Tempo, Join my DiscoVery Call 🕺.